Nearly 2 years ago, we all felt that the pandemic had suddenly put the entire global economy on hold. Today, we see that the coronavirus has accelerated the world evenmore.
Nearly 2 years ago, we all felt that the pandemic had suddenly put the entire global economy on hold. Today, we see that the coronavirus has accelerated the world evenmore.
We are witnessing not just one revolution, but a whole series of rapid reversals: the great turnaround in medicine, the green deal, the technological revolution 4.0, rapid transformations in the labour market. The economy no longer resembles the millennial kingdom of capitalism in which only 20 years ago many investors and politicians wanted to believe. It can no longer be understood with a simple supply and demand graph. There is growing talk of a polycentric, multipolar vision of economicdevelopment.
When global markets resemble a stormy sea, investments need a safe and stable harbour. Poland is that kind of place – on the map of Europe and theworld.
There are others who share that opinion and many facts that support it. Poland has been famous for its economic stability since 1990. We have created an attractive and reasonable tax system. The evidence of our economic strength is that Poland has weathered the economic crisis to date with flyingcolours.
We continue work to develop the best solutions for our economy. Currently, we are introducing a new comprehensive programme – the Polish Deal. It will allow us to take another giant stepforward.
In 2020, Poland welcomed two spectacular investments in the IT sector. Both Microsoft and Google decided to locate their data centres in Warsaw. But Poland is not only a place for the largest investors. We offer a variety of solutions for small and mediumcompanies.
There are many reasons to choose Poland. Among others, its convenient, central location facilitates transport and logistics with relatively low operatingcosts.
And last but not least – human capital. Educated and ambitious employees make the Polish economy truly attractive for any kind ofinvestment.
A crisis can represent a change for the better. Investors, seize this opportunity. Choose Poland – a safe harbour in the heart ofEurope. ©℗
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